German Slang - the real German – Download (EPUB)

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eBook (EPUB)


Elfi H. M. Gilissen

This ebook is mainly meant to promote a bet­ter understanding of German col­lo­quia­lisms and idioms.

The Queen’s English surely feels as up­tight and serious as its standardized Ger­man counter­part Hoch­deutsch. However, the man in the street does not always express him­self in such a polished way, and even less so when at home, down at the pub or among friends. It’s therefore hardly sur­prising that one can’t grasp the jokes be­ing cracked without some serious study of straightforward fa­mi­liar and outright rude German language. The key to being able to read between the lines is to familiarise yourself with the col­loquial expressions and idioms in German.

This little language guide introduces many naughty and funny expressions Ger­mans use use in their day-to-day lives when having a casual chat amongst colleagues at work, communicating with family and friends, roaming pubs, bars and clubs, flirting and engaging in sexual re­la­tions and when angry or annoyed.

About 1000 common key words and colloquial expressions,  ready to use and easy to find.

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In English


4., neu bearbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2015


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