German Slang - the real German – Download (EPUB)
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This ebook is mainly meant to promote a better understanding of German colloquialisms and idioms.
The Queen’s English surely feels as uptight and serious as its standardized German counterpart Hochdeutsch. However, the man in the street does not always express himself in such a polished way, and even less so when at home, down at the pub or among friends. It’s therefore hardly surprising that one can’t grasp the jokes being cracked without some serious study of straightforward familiar and outright rude German language. The key to being able to read between the lines is to familiarise yourself with the colloquial expressions and idioms in German.
This little language guide introduces many naughty and funny expressions Germans use use in their day-to-day lives when having a casual chat amongst colleagues at work, communicating with family and friends, roaming pubs, bars and clubs, flirting and engaging in sexual relations and when angry or annoyed.
About 1000 common key words and colloquial expressions, ready to use and easy to find.
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