German - word by word – Download (PDF)

Kauderwelsch-Band 46
  8,99 €
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eBook (PDF)


Bob Ordish

"There’s no point learning German. They all speak English." Well, yes and no – or „jein“ as the Germans would say (ja + nein). There is no doubt that you can survive with English. But is that all you want? Even in Germany, a many people don’t speak enough English to keep up a proper conversation and, even if your own German is limited, you’ll get people on your side by at least making the effort. You’d be amazed how much goodwill – even a basic knowledge of German – is worth.

Kauderwelsch „German – word by word“ is a language guide book that helps you take your first steps in German quickly.

  • Kauderwelsch books are more than your standard phrase book but not full-fledged text books either. They aim to teach you just enough to get along, so you can start using German in everyday life. The books can also serve as a head start for those who want to learn German more thoroughly later.
  • At the core of the book is a word-by-word-translation: each sentence is translated both literally as well as into proper English. This helps to understand how the German sentence is built up and get a feeling for the language.
  • As you dive into the oddities of the German language you will also find out about contemporary life, food, accommodation and many other things which travelers will encounter in Germany.
  • The Kauderwelsch series is one of the biggest language book series in the world. There are more than 220 titles in German which cover all the world’s major languages and many which may be labeled as exotic - after all, ‚Kauderwelsch’ can be translated as ‚gibberish’ ...
  • Also available: Audio material for „German – word by word: Pronunciation trainer“ (Audio-CD or mp3-download). Free samples from the pronunciation trainer can be accessed from the book.

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12., neu bearbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2016


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